Whitney Flores

Whitney Flores's Fundraiser

We can join Love Foster Hope to inspire hope & bring healing to children and youth in foster care. image

We can join Love Foster Hope to inspire hope & bring healing to children and youth in foster care.

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$0 towards $500

This is one of my favorite races every year. I wish I could foster a child, we are just not in a season of life that we are able too.

Last year, while running this race, I kept telling myself that after I finished I needed to stop by my aunt Phyllis’s house since I hadn’t seen her in several months. She live right along the Waterway and I passed her house twice during the race. I didn’t make it by her house that day and 1 week later she passed away unexpectedly while I was finishing a 12.5 mile Mountain Trail Race at Purgatory in Colorado. I was so mad at myself for the longest time because I didn’t stop by and give her a hug and tell her all about this race that day.

Every race that I run, I dedicate it to someone that I love. So this race is not only for all Foster Care kiddos, but for my sweet Aunt Phyllis too! I hope she’s resting high on that mountain watching over all of us. I miss her terribly.

I know God gave me these legs and the ability to run because he wants me to use them for the greater good of others. I know he has something big up his sleeve for my life and for my legs. I pray every day that in HIS timing, and not mine that he will show me the way and purpose for why I keep running so many miles. Until then I will keep praying, keep jogging and keep running races because I know his plan is far greater than my own.

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference.

66% of kids in foster care are homeless, incarcerated, or dead within two years of leaving foster care.

Help us change the trajectory of children's lives who have been abused, abandoned, and neglected.

You can help us change the present and future for these precious kids who deserve far better than their past.

Love Fosters Hope is making a difference.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Love Fosters Hope